Networking with Industry Pros
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Explore this Program
After seven semesters of intense music, business, and minor
-degree coursework, our Music Industry students spend their last semester participating in a full-time internship. Internship options are varied and unique. Your learning may keep you local or you may choose to sharpen your skills with an internship in a different U.S. market or at an international location. Our graduates have secured career-starting opportunities with companies like Yamaha, Sony, BET, CAPA, Columbus Music Commission, and in music centers in New York, Nashville, Los Angeles and many more.
The Music Industry degree is based on dual areas of study. You’ll take classes in music and a complimentary program of interest to you. The outcome is a marketable degree, with knowledge and experiences that reflect your solid understanding of all areas of the music business. Our graduates have launched their careers in all areas of music from performing with international acts to managing well-known artists to working in arts organizations or music production houses. Our faculty themselves are in the field and will be your greatest mentors and advocates, connecting you to your next opportunity.
Sample Classes
- Applied Lessons on Principal Instrument
- Intro to Music Technology
- Music Industry Survey
- Music Entrepreneurship
- Music Industry Internship

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